Sunday, July 04, 2021

...if Brexit is the problem.

…if Brexit is the problem. ...after spending months and months, explaining why "Brexit" was a misconception of the so-call independence from EU, now, more than a year ago, present a simple solution for Northen Ireland: adapt double nationality, this is, UK members, its citizens, could adopt a second nationality, let us say: the one to become European Union citizens too as keeping their Northen Ireland citizenship cuz of origen. But it is the parliament of the UK that have to create that law ...and problem solved. If any UK wants to study in the EU, just go there and your citizenship rights will protect you to get all the EU benefits. Or just send your children to study there, be raise there, establish business too and even go into politics as any EU, if not, declare its separation from UK, then associate to EU getting EU integration and benefits, abandoning Brexit system and then turning into a full Nation State ...period. ...oh! Do not use war for that, just create your own constitution ...again, period.

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