Sunday, June 27, 2021

...if you are a citizen of North America, just put your name and you are in...

Oath of Office 2015 DIRNSA (administering the oath): I, (state your name…) do solemnly swear… that I will support and defend… the Constitution of the United States… against all enemies foreign and domestic… and that I will bear… true faith and allegiance… to the same, that I take this obligation freely… without any mental reservation… or purpose of evasion… and that I will well and faithfully… discharge the duties… of the office… upon which I am about to enter. So, help me God. We do this for a reason. We do this to remind ourselves about what our mission in defending this nation is all about. It's about a legal framework codified in a document, the Constitution of the United States, that has framed this nation for its almost 240 years of existence. That's what we are about. We defend the citizens of this nation, and those of our friends and allies around the world, always mindful of the law and the broader nation that we're a part of. And the oath also reminds us about the idea of obligation. That in assuming these responsibilities the nation is counting on us and that we realized that in executing these duties we have an obligation over and above that of many other citizens. UNCLASSIFIED’ Whether it's the nature of the information that we're granted access to, whether it's the nature of the task that we are given. I thank each and every one of you that is both here today as well as those of you more broadly across the enterprise. Our nation is served, in no small part, by the men and women of NSA, and more broadly, those who serve in a myriad of capacities literally around the world. So I thank you all very much on behalf of the citizens of this nation for your dedication

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