Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Asia, a geopolitical region, with so much rivalry amongst its territories


Asia, a geopolitical region, with so much rivalry amongst its territories, with a history of wide wars from nation state to nation states are thinking, cause the insecurity shown by US under the leading strategies of President Donald, are thinking in building their own nuclear capacity to protect themselves and not depending from this country, the United States of America, to protect them from now on.

The above is the cuz effect born out of the incompetence of the Republican Government directed by President Donald J. Trump who wants to be re-elected to command US to “Make America Great Again”

Not only that, Donald Trump had been able to build, via legal means, a dysfunctional, due to historical happenings, a dysfunctional Supreme Court.

Democracy is not a living organism; Democracy is a living natural philosophy born out of Democratic people that took thousands of years in been engendered  through trial and errors and compassions of the substantial majority on human beings.  Contrary to other form of  “laws and orders” invented by other humans on other geopolitical lands.

Above sound been philosophical but it is not.  It is putting philosophy and science coexisting together to help each one reinforce its energy in order to make not only the United States of America survive for thousands of years but, to make all Democratic Nation States survive those thousands of years while relaying one to the other under a solid state of logic, reasoning and understanding that all men are created equal …that man is not born enslaved to other man, that man cannot coexist by itself.  That man is an entity, a living entity the same as a biological computer which cannot think via just one man but through many men, be them males and females cuz they are male men and female men.  They are men, all.

When man see they are alone amongst other men, they feel insecure, that cannot fulfill all its needs; therefore, man recurs to war in order to eliminate other men that are intended for the destruction of its existence …without realizing it is destroying itself; and that is what here in the so-called America, what man is doing intending to destroy the opposition of a party, just to be the sole survivor to rule this nation, what man is doing is destroying itself.  US doing exactly what other nation states in Asia are doing to themselves: one nation conquering the seas to rule by their own rules, not by common rules protecting one another with equal rights be them strong or weak nations; killing those men that don’t look as they look, selling via harvesting human organs, enslaving their own people, raping their own people and forcing their owns to think exactly as the self-imposed leader or else.  It is legitimate a niche of men elect a leader and even make it its king and in future historical happenings remove the king and elect its own system, to rule the rest, as always, respecting human freedom, human lives and human self-esteem, not destroying those human values… this so called “America” had shown, via trial and errors, via its Magna Carta, its constitution, its bible of survival, that “America” wants the preservation of all man, that really, really, men are created equals.


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