Thursday, February 22, 2018

Indicting 13 Russians foreigners ...don't make me laugh!

Indicting 13 Russian foreigners …don’t make me laugh!
Our owns who sold their soul to Russian interests are still free enjoying peaceful time at home, if it were one of our service people of any investigative department such as the FBI or the CIA or any other investigative law enforcement departments, they would be in a Federal Jail, but a politician.
To be continued.
The President? Donald Trump?  Don’t make me laugh again! If it were an American soldier who makes Russian connections, and does least (less than) of what the President did, he’d be in a solitary jail at a federal location, incommunicado, and been arranged for treason, but the President.
To be continued.
Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, I don’t congratulate you, but do recognize that you are a curse to Democracy.  And Europe, or the whole world.  God protect us all as long as you two (2) are in power.
To be… no, I had a dream that an FBI and a CIA agent were having a conversation with me:
Mr. FBI, why don’t you make a dairy and plot down the hard time your agency goes through just investigating these traitors of politicians?
Well, Egnio, I have a family to take care of, love my wife and adore my children, they need me intact and healthy, not unemployed …got my message?
I got that, but…
Egnio, politics is not based in justice; politics is based on money then follows power acquired with that money. I’m a servant.
Yes, you’re a servant to the “We the people…”
You’re wrong, am a servant to them… politicians interest.
But… but what about the country?
What country do you mean?
This nation, our beloved nation already undertook its downfall after Donald Trump won this election, in 2016.  We are doomed.
Mr. CIA, don’t you think FBI’s wrong?
Why do you, Egnio, think he’s wrong?
Let me explain, then think Mr. CIA: all nations have an act of declaration of its birthday, called: Constitution.  Some of them are created based on the need of the politician (s) that control that nation; so, when that politician dies, the way the constitution had been redacted happens to be not well redacted and the incoming politician “take or give” some annex to that birthday as to suffice the one who inherited the control of that nation.  This is such that many constitutions from time to time need some adjustment or be totally changed to fit today’s tech and a small social group, family or mafia (see the Russian case of actual Vladimir Putin and his friends in control of a strong nation or see the case of the nation of Mexico controlled by drug traffickers yet their constitution, I think, had not been changed but is not respected by them: drug traffickers and politicians, except as their convenience, let’s not go just there, see Venezuela, its constitution made to fit a person of the type of US President Donald J. Trump …well, Trump hasn’t attempt to change USA Constitution, but violate all in its constitutional spirit, this is, protect this nation from all or any foreign intervention in any manner; this nation is been intervened by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin via sophisticated algorithm even sending people to operate from within political parties as independent advisers, been them real American Citizens.  There are many examples all around the plannet earth) USA President had become Russia’s president protector, this is, converted himself into a traitor in accordance to the piece of paper of the birthday certificate of the USA.  This is when, if you, Mr. CIA, think again, must understand under any condition that you and all of those agencies I mentioned and inferred above, must be attached to the constitution but not to the person of the President Donald J. Trump.  Some politicians from both parties, Republican and Democrats feel to follow the president footsteps disregarding the piece of paper of the so-called USA Constitution; that is where the danger is …even a designated temporary Judge, Honorable Muller, is making dictamenes too far away from the spirit of the USA constitution.  Mr. CIA, I am based to that piece of birthday of a paper that the fathers of this nation created to protect the existence of this nation and all the people that step ground on it.
To be continued.

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