Saturday, February 24, 2018

Law of the Infinity

The “Law of Infinity”
Permit me to tell here, and here I go: Dark matter has no heat, therefore, there is no measurable temp as -1 or 1; this is that: it is not cold neither hot.  There's nothing ...and because of that it permits matter to travel, freely within it and disperse yet matter has a limited force of attraction, it attracts one molecule to the other or all matter within a limited distance, further than that distance, matter can't attract but disperse in clusters called Universes Universes displace one from the other, they expand.  In the space or void between two or more Universes which I call "Multiverses", in that space there are new Big Bangs and therefore the creation of new Universes same as our known Universe with their own GalaxiesNebulas and so on and on.
It complies with the law of "Infinity" that there are no ends and beginning for when there are ends, then there are beginnings (the law of "infinity", as I state it).
Be it known that Galaxies implode (via its Black Hole), as they move away one to the other.
One Universe stops its existence while other universes are created.
Because Dark matter has both energy, energy doesn't exist, as Plus One Minus one gives "nothin" Zero, Nada.  It is preferable to attribute to Dark matter the charge of Dark energy which is zero or Nada.  It permits, then, Matter to be created from within.  That Dark energy, the existence of Nada, is contrary to either - charge or + charge.  Negative charge within Nada makes the charge goes "Poof", disappears the same as of + charge producing explosion as it happens.  But if both are present, no explosions occur, it just goes "poof" onto Nada, nothing.  Matter, as it enters Dark Matter expands if it carries both of its charges that compose matter: - and +, as is the case of "Universe expansion (- and + charges making all of it) which balances permitting  galaxies to exist.  Yet it, the universe expands ...this is, the Universe goes "Poof"; be it because its Galaxy is destroyed by its Black Hole or because it gets "Poof" as it enters the space of Nada which is Dark Matter or antimatter (the Universe expand and expand until it disappears as its galaxies implode.).  Everything stops existing and more are created again and again in a vicious circle for an eternity.
All the above is an irony, but it explains everything if we add to it Einstein equation beginning: light identical to Energy, but energy is not matter yet it transforms into matter: E=MC2
Remember that light had being saw in its form at which it exist in the Large Hadron Collider in the Faculty of science in Saint-Genis-Pouilly, France; they discovered the Higgs boson particle which is the center of the elementary particle or fundamental particle: fundamental fermions (quarks, leptons, antiquarks and antileptons) or matter particles and antimatter particles.  As well as the fundamentals bosons. Fundamental fermions and Fundamental bosons are forms of light.
To make some reasoning of all the above: if you take two magnetized objects with opposite magnetic force and force one of them to move next to the other, current is created.  Now think: where on earth those electrons came from?  They came form nowhere, but from the fermions and bosons created that appeared from no place, extracted, really, from the magnetic force - and + subjected to friction.  So electricity is made in turbine, nuclear silos, in the center of planet (gravity). Be it known that the energy emanating out from earth is negative and everything in it. If a positive charge is presented, then there would be a repelling force creating an explosion it is to strong, if controlled, work is done as moving a car.  Levitation has a lot to do with all the above explained here.  It, levitation, has to be shown as a form of fermions or boson in order to avoid explosion but repelling or abstraction of two objects, one of them is planet earth (object one), and the other is the device to be levitated (a small object suspended on air but repelled from the surface of earth, depending the amount of light emitted by the small object suspended on air.  It could be miles big, the earth would be always bigger or a few meter big, the earth would be always bigger) The LHC is a good example.  Ions travel at almost the speed of light within it, there is a force that keep those ions in the center of the tunnel, pure wild levitation.  A train moving on top of magnetic railroad, that's levitation, but of the brute one.  It is needed of the type of light that would repel the earth to make the object float on air but on its surface even ejecting it to space if needed when needed.  Cool eh?  Did you know that light comes around any object when focused onto it?  That is a spectrum of light, one type of light that is not absorbed by the object to which light goes around it, and is one within fundamental fermions and/or boson.  Cool eh?
No more secrets, this is enough.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Indicting 13 Russians foreigners ...don't make me laugh!

Indicting 13 Russian foreigners …don’t make me laugh!
Our owns who sold their soul to Russian interests are still free enjoying peaceful time at home, if it were one of our service people of any investigative department such as the FBI or the CIA or any other investigative law enforcement departments, they would be in a Federal Jail, but a politician.
To be continued.
The President? Donald Trump?  Don’t make me laugh again! If it were an American soldier who makes Russian connections, and does least (less than) of what the President did, he’d be in a solitary jail at a federal location, incommunicado, and been arranged for treason, but the President.
To be continued.
Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, I don’t congratulate you, but do recognize that you are a curse to Democracy.  And Europe, or the whole world.  God protect us all as long as you two (2) are in power.
To be… no, I had a dream that an FBI and a CIA agent were having a conversation with me:
Mr. FBI, why don’t you make a dairy and plot down the hard time your agency goes through just investigating these traitors of politicians?
Well, Egnio, I have a family to take care of, love my wife and adore my children, they need me intact and healthy, not unemployed …got my message?
I got that, but…
Egnio, politics is not based in justice; politics is based on money then follows power acquired with that money. I’m a servant.
Yes, you’re a servant to the “We the people…”
You’re wrong, am a servant to them… politicians interest.
But… but what about the country?
What country do you mean?
This nation, our beloved nation already undertook its downfall after Donald Trump won this election, in 2016.  We are doomed.
Mr. CIA, don’t you think FBI’s wrong?
Why do you, Egnio, think he’s wrong?
Let me explain, then think Mr. CIA: all nations have an act of declaration of its birthday, called: Constitution.  Some of them are created based on the need of the politician (s) that control that nation; so, when that politician dies, the way the constitution had been redacted happens to be not well redacted and the incoming politician “take or give” some annex to that birthday as to suffice the one who inherited the control of that nation.  This is such that many constitutions from time to time need some adjustment or be totally changed to fit today’s tech and a small social group, family or mafia (see the Russian case of actual Vladimir Putin and his friends in control of a strong nation or see the case of the nation of Mexico controlled by drug traffickers yet their constitution, I think, had not been changed but is not respected by them: drug traffickers and politicians, except as their convenience, let’s not go just there, see Venezuela, its constitution made to fit a person of the type of US President Donald J. Trump …well, Trump hasn’t attempt to change USA Constitution, but violate all in its constitutional spirit, this is, protect this nation from all or any foreign intervention in any manner; this nation is been intervened by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin via sophisticated algorithm even sending people to operate from within political parties as independent advisers, been them real American Citizens.  There are many examples all around the plannet earth) USA President had become Russia’s president protector, this is, converted himself into a traitor in accordance to the piece of paper of the birthday certificate of the USA.  This is when, if you, Mr. CIA, think again, must understand under any condition that you and all of those agencies I mentioned and inferred above, must be attached to the constitution but not to the person of the President Donald J. Trump.  Some politicians from both parties, Republican and Democrats feel to follow the president footsteps disregarding the piece of paper of the so-called USA Constitution; that is where the danger is …even a designated temporary Judge, Honorable Muller, is making dictamenes too far away from the spirit of the USA constitution.  Mr. CIA, I am based to that piece of birthday of a paper that the fathers of this nation created to protect the existence of this nation and all the people that step ground on it.
To be continued.

Monday, February 05, 2018

Are Humans a Dangerous Specie?

Are Humans a Dangerous Specie?

They are of the kind that do work in association in groups.  Practice their emotions in the form called “love”, “hate” and “hunger”, “sleep”.

Love is the feeling of compassion related with body needs.  This is, they feel compassion either for themselves or others, but that compassion is interrelated with the own individual needs that are controlled by the biology of their body.  If a human never felt been hungry, they, the human has no compassion for others that are hungry.  This is the case that those in a hierarchical group position in comparison with those in a lower hierarchical group position don’t see the suffering of that one been hungry.  For instance, there are million and million of humans that live most of their lives been hungry each and every day.  Too many of them eat just one time during any day and don’t eat until the next day or don’t eat at all.  These humans are found in places, in any place of the planet they inhabit or reside.  These places are any of the earth continents but mostly in one they call Africa and Asia including most of the center and southern part of America.  In other parts of much more advance technology, they have a lot of human that goes hungry by brief period of any year (they have a cycle of a year to be 365 days and add one extra day every five years).  It is very rare when a human feel love not related with their human needs, and they are called: heroes or martyr yet sometimes they are called stupid.

One thing humans use is a piece of metal or paper-bill to which they attribute a specific value.  They kill one to another to get that thing called money.  Money has much more value than the live of any human.  This is such the case that many of them human accumulate large amount of money as a form to gain power.  For a human, power doesn’t reside in intelligence but on how much money they possess, so they kill for money: money is power; intelligence is not.

To be continued.

One interested thing is noticed in humans, there is a documentary of themselves named: “call of Life – Facing the Mass Extinction, and shown this documentary in their human own web side, one of so many:  , this documentary is not watched by all humans, but it is there, available for them to see.  Of course, not all humans have the technology to watch that.

Continue here but keep this note below it: humans are at the edge of a nuclear war, some countries are bulling the world order, they want a fight, but they put in front of them a shield, the position of nuclear missiles that would be used if any other country attack them.  Most nuclear position nations wouldn’t use nuclear weapon, but they bully others human groups because they possess the power of nukes.

Human mixture: Neanderthals:

Humans mixed with the ones that were extinguished, kill them and eat them too as well as enslaving them.

Speaking on Slavery:

People think, many people, that slavery was from white to black people, but it's been too, from white to white and black to black. From white people to black ones is very well known because historians fail, too often, to mention the others. In the Greece of the past, Spartans made slaves Athenians. And in Africa, warriors fought other regions to get slaves or get their woman or get their lands; they were black people enslaving black people. Humans enslaved their own ethnic group in the search of power, land, and position, so they enslave the conquered ones. When from the same color, at the long run, they mixed, for there were no way of keeping them separated. In Spain, if a family borough money to a rich one, and could not pay back, the lender could own one member of the family for at least 5 years and even sell them to someone else. once sold, there was no way of bringing them back to freedom; women were the most affected on this deal. Many time the person in debt, did the impossible to pay the loan in order to get the family member back home, mostly their daughters. Yes, but when it was practiced from white to black people, they went to the extremes and killed their enslaved black people by forcing them to work until they, the black ones, die. White even invented a pretext by saying that black people didn't have soul, as said by Aristotle and therefore treated the black ones as if they were wild animals in the same way as of now, black and white people treat dogs, on the reason that dogs have no soul or spirits or as we kill a cow and eat them and so on and on of the blah, blah, blah. What I am saying up here hurts, but that is the way humans are. You must be a very high intelligence creature for you not to abuse others. So, white and black people do kill one to the other. Yet some other people are very high intellectually educated, they kill too. Many humans turned dictators or omnipotent authorities kill their own people on the thousands if not millions! 

So, humans ate other ethnic groups. Some survived by “marriage”.  Today’s white people didn’t eat “their” slaves, had to give them freedom but don’t want to accept, some whites, that they, white and black people, are the same ones.  It is such that they call one to the other: races, as if there were different human races, not human varieties.

The same happened with Neanderthals and Humans: they were the same species but seen as different ones, yet humans carry gene from the Neanderthals, see now? Notice: different species don’t mix or don’t gives offspring!  Black and white gives offspring!  In the above video, it says clearly that humans carry the Neanderthal genes.  See my point? Are humans dangerous?

They are so dangerous, the human people, that even now without ever dealing with what they suspect, the so called: extra-terrestrials, scientists, some of them, are labeling those unknown creatures as been a danger to human itself.

Now, by labeling those unknown living things, humans could feel they have the alienated right to make war at them, kill them, destroy them based on absolute, supposition imagined by them, humans.  Some others think the contrary: that if they exist and had visited this plannet earth, they, extraterrestrials, are passive and are not a danger for humans, but a benefit do to their high advance intelligence.  All these mixture of human thinking is a preamble to war and mass destruction by human to creatures they don’t even have any proof they exist or not.  Humans are ready to attack if that were the case, setting their mind for it.

So, this: yes, they exist.

And already knows of the existence of humans in the same way humans are finding that there are other worlds with rocky terrains and water and magnetic shields that protect those planets from cosmic radiations such as gamma rays, microwaves and ionic rays the same as earth is protected.  Many of them are not well advance, some are super intelligence in comparison to humans …they last more living years than humans and are protector of life.  Don’t eat flesh as humans do.  They have kinetic power that can generate waves created in their neural system that can be radiated outside themselves and do work, the same as radio waves, beam of light, sound waves and the likes; so, they communicate as a form of language.  Humans had to create the same but with artificial means, they, outer space creatures, don’t, they inherit it and could use it whereas they go, they can control “light”.  Humans know of what an aura is, that magnetic field exist in extraterrestrial beings.  That aura is enough to destroy humans, aside of the tech they have that permit them to do so as well.  But traveling through space and time is not easy, it is a dangerous act that destroy any one within its dominion: Dark Matter.

They, soon will achieve the control of that and will appear here on plannet earth, not to enslave humans, but to contribute to its existence by helping them to live longer and achieve some form of happiness that will end with: “hate, hunger” and human self-destruction.  White, black, brown, yellow and whichever tag human use to kill the other, will disappear from the human species.  It will take a few thousands of years, for earth will move further from its orbit around the Star Sun as did Planet Mars that moved a few million miles away from its “Goldie Zone”.  Earth is a plannet that entered to orbit its Sun, after the Solar System was formed and became part of it.  The Solar system when formed didn’t have many planets but acquired some of them that were errant in space, “star-less” that left its own stars due to its stars explosion, so were expelled out of its orbit.  Most planets collided one to the other and were destroyed as they, a bunch of them, approached this earth’ star, part of them remained orbiting this Sun at different intervals as asteroids and matter debris known as of meteorites and belts around Jupiter and other so-called planets.  As they passed through Nebula’s cloud of things such as of the type of hydrogen, oxygen and the likes, planets acquired those elements and took it with them, that’s why they all are made totally different atmospheres one to the other; and are found orbiting the Sun, been different amongst. Jupiter is totally different than Mars and Mars totally different than others, but Earth and Mars are similar, they are from the same star that exploded and traveled the same direction to this Sun.  Million and millions of light years away from here, the Solar System.  Some were pulled one to the other due to its gravitational joined force, as sisters or twins becoming moons to a larger, stronger gravity of the other.

The earth’s moon will be swallowed by the earth star once it moves further away from earth and will make its direction toward the Sun.  Venus and Mercury too as they approach the Sun due to the Sun inward pull. It will be the cause of a large Earth’s Star (its Sun) flare.  Other planets will position itself between Earth and Mars causing a gravitational Solar System to change of the way the solar system is organized.  Solar system planets traveled long light years distances and entered this system, collided and created pieces of large, medium and small rocks that travel eternally from galaxies to galaxies or stay fixed in any one of them.  Humans already know that galaxies too close one another, pull one another; this is the cause of the above said.

Creatures of Plannet Earth (humans) are dangerous even to themselves due to their poor formation biologically, environmentally and low or poor reasoning on its own existence.  Humans, mostly, don’t think they die (the great majority), and if they do think that, they kill others or get scared, and force others to belief, by obligation, in supernatural existence that they humans can’t show it exists.  Adhering to supernatural state of been, they feel relieved.  It is much easier for a brute human to become a leader of a social group than a philosopher of a human could. They, the brute ones, sometimes are chosen to be president, generals or commander of large group causing terror amongst them, from the brute ones.

Humans take some one of themselves and make them their leader, so that a small group of themselves can kill lot of humans, its owns or other groups.

Are Humans a Dangerous Species?

Am I exaggerating?  Then don’t see this if the reader think I am exaggerating, if not, that humans are not dangerous, convince yourself:   Money, for that they sell their soul and others soul.



The Universe as seen today doesn't exist. If so, are we alone? It is expanding, it is not there. Sky is empty. Nothing, nada. All is an illusion. We can't see the present but the past. How is the Universe as of now? I wonder! 

If scientists are correct, I just found out we are alone.  The Universe is not there!  Sky is empty!

If heaven is not empty, then, how and where are those galaxies that we look in the sky via telescope, where are they there now?

To be continued:

Not talking or writing too much: it is said we are looking into the past when observing the sky; this mean, I understand, those Galaxies are probable are no longer there, some of them just disappeared and we seen an illusion of what was there.

As I observe heaven, I see things …it gives me the hint that: our eyes can see far long before light enters earth, that our vision can project further to copy whatever is in front of us. (Well, I’m just inventing things that seems meaningless.  I’ll think deeply on that).  I am confused: are those stars there or are they not?

One thing I know: “humans are not alone”, yet aliens are not amongst humans …but things are happening with the weather, humans cannot control it without using any advance tech, by themselves …just one of them out of billions of them has that power; is it a human?  To those that believes there is a thing they call “God” or “god”, it is good to have people that invent things that are supernatural full of fantasies, humans need that in order to maintain themselves been organized, respecting other humans or else: they become a terror for society.  They obey things to be fantasies base on historical manipulations, manipulation of realities.  Humans love to obey some one with power, so they give power through obedience to another human and too many times they, humans, create a supernatural entity and call it “God” or “god”.  For that entity to solve their problems or to give orders to be follow supposedly emanated from that entity.  Humans are liars, cheaters and a danger to themselves, but needs protection as not to self-destroy himself.  And climate change is needed, it’s a must.

Protect you teeth from?

Fluoride In drinking water.


Why super-rich control USA congress?

Is there a Judge in the North American society that could order to stop the use of fluoride in people water?  What are they waiting for?

This is added to the drinking water of the American people:


Hydrofluosilicic acid is corrosive to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes through direct contact, inhalation and ingestion.  Large doses can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal burning, and cramp-like pains.  Circulatory, respiratory, nervous complaints, and skin rashes may occur.  Liquid or vapor also causes severe irritation and burns, which may not be immediately apparent.  It also causes severe irritation to the lungs, nose and throat.  If swallowed, it can cause severe damage to throat and stomach.  Handle with extreme caution.

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Undocumented People

Undocumented People

See how undocumented people are getting the best of our system and USA residents are supporting them with their own money.  Is this said above true? Are undocumented people a burden to this nation?

Are they exploiting Welfare, IRS, hospital attention, and any civil service free to only those who are not undocumented like citizens or documented residents?

Find facts, not prejudice …see above or… who’s wrong, or right?