Thursday, August 19, 2021

Sorry for the inconvenience OF FLOODS AND QUAKES.

...sorry, I'll be off service for a short time ...still working on my Hybrid computer. Be real back soon. Miss you all. am gone, am checking on China, Russia and now on Afganistan's guerrillas, the taliban, they took over the country and now don't know what to do. No way how to runn it. It's like someone by art of magic, appears inside an airplane, never seen one ...and suddently see itself (cuz to be unknowledged on something and been in command of that something, its like falling from up the clouds onto land without a parachute, hopping Allah would hold the fall. No?), then piloting that thing, the airplane, full of gold in it, knowing it is going to cratch, not to land, and ask Allah to save him of cratching on land with that fortune! ...dream, dream, dream, yes, dream to your death and all your followers of guerrillas Talibans. On China, well, it is a mess: no money gotten out of foreign investerers, hundreds of quakes, a lot of floods and people in misseries with no food, shelters and water. Communism/socialism did that: a mess. Russia, Russia? Now it is just playing the game with China but, depending and depending only of its income gotten by selling petroleum to Europe ...while Europe is investing HEAVILY (?), in clean energy or the so called green energy. US? ...hmm, getting ready to survive by convincing some governor/renegate, who is asking its citizen not to wear face masks in this pandemic or endemic of misseries, as people are dying; cuz your freedom, our freedom, are no going to be intervened (means we rather die?) by profesionals trying to save you from DEATH! Ain't that governor nuts? Or lunatics? Or he entered a rabit hole? Myself; don't know what that is (multiple tunnel inter-connected? So a person gets lost? US is readying to protect Taiwan. Yes, getting ready and moving a nuclear submarine near the coast of China with 30,000 boots already on land. ...China? a dog, barking, barking, barking and having many military bases full of fast flood water ... holes made by quakes here, quakes there and if God doesn't put its hands, quakes everywhere. People, as of now, are learning that the Communist Party of China are a lot of CHARLATANS. Many Chinese, on the millions, with no food, no water and no money and, and, and no! Thousands with no shelter! Xi? Turning his eyes the other way building a new dam and barking to the United States, as if it were punishing them with floods and quakes while Xi is stealing billion of dollars from Chinese investors, the hearts and roots of China capital growing economy. IS US HACKING THEM WITH QUAKES? OR FLOODS ON THESE DAYS?
Found this pic some place in the net ...a picture carries not only thousands words but, infinite thoughts. Hope this answer those politicians who oppose to whatever is investigated by professionals in the medical art of natural science and tell other knowleable in sciences things such as: don't wear a protective musk at school (cuz it distract my teachings) or, cuz I am the Governor and said so or, cuz doctors are not to control my Freedom (some people say that) in Democracy ...too many people think that their feelings come directly from their hearts, so they touch their chest when they say: I love you with all my heart. "teacher, here an aple for you" cuz I love you! Others say: you got a spoiled heart! ...If you are a professional or a DOCTOR in MEDICINE, with some of them, you are fully WRONG! The above pic is dedicated to them, the "IGNORANTS" VS. SCIENCE! ...oh, just forgot: "THANK YOUR HONOR FOR YOUR INTERVENTION" more thing:next election choice for a governor, is coming, every few years it is around the corner watching you Mr./Mrs. politician, do not be a charlatan, election repeats over and over! If forgotten, read again: that repeats over and over, the time to get rid of those charlatans!