Freedom, a need of humans, all. Darwin, predicted this in his theory. -an AXIOM in Survival of the Fittest- US, in fighting terrorist dreams comfused with reality, are surviving to their destruction to America and multi religious nations... "Their garments of pitch, and fire shall enwrap their faces-" "This is a message for mankind that they may thereby be warned" from the Koran, Verse 14 no. 50... Iran behold on this, and their 72 virgens... they dear for the Atomic Bomb!
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Fake news: "Let's make America great again!"
US is a naïve governmental nation with fake news: "let's make America great again".
America always been great since it is built by many ethnic groups.
US is a naïve governmental nation: Russia's Vladimir Putin, with Russian hackers, been already within so many basic institutions that serves US all such as electric companies, Weather announcing institutions, Major civilian airports in big cities and hospitals including military registration offices and post offices. Vladimir Putin, with its former KGB had been eavesdropping many US Senators of the fed including any US President immediate family and close friends.
Since when? Since Russia started invading Crimea, a large section of Ukraine.
I call Russia's strategy: "one step ahead strategy"
In case Europe and US had intervened, physically, against Russia invasion of Ukraine by sending advance land-air missile and anti-tank heat seeking torpedoes that US possesses to accurately destroy enemy tanks, Russia would immediately trigger its malware installed in our system on the civilian population in order to create chaos within our population and get adepts to strongly oppose us getting involved in any war against Russia.
By weakening our civilian organized structure, Russia would distract our attention to fight them.
Why? War is war, nothing else. When US gave a major attack onto the civilian population of Japan in WW2, Japan capitulated immediately, US did not give a major blow to their military although they were been beaten up slowly, but to the civilian population that were making ammunition and military devices to their armies.
So, Russia is ready to first attack any European infrastructure as well as American ones in order to create confusion, chaos and use the civilian population against its own government to stop the war, any war.
Plan A was first to flight over international Europeans seas -the Russians, with robust warplanes to signal Europe and US that they meant business.
Plan B was then to use their implanted malware in many of the systems and institutions mentioned above ...major civilian airports are heavily infested by now within their computers, guiding civilian airplanes including airlines airplanes that could be directed to the Pentagon, the White House and against other airports... US is infested with their malware, not just from them, but from China too. Those malwares are dormant to be triggered at will in case of a war against one of them. Most large infrastructure with large sophisticated computer algorithm are made with the infection in them as part of the system that would not work if the malware is removed; cause of this: cheap inexpensive devices bought in China and re-infested by Russia.
Russia has a win-lose plan: I win, you lose, but it must be implemented before a possible war starts against any European nation or US.
And Russia has a man in US presidency that would kill himself before rather hurting his business investments in their country (Russia). US is naïve.
How I know that?
Amongst others:
I've been following Trump's political trajectory since he first announced his intention to enters the political aquarium years ago.
I've been following Vladimir Putin dirty moves on his intention to annex again, those Nations that once were part of the URSS (Soviet Union).
I've been following China's Communist-Capitalist new form of government since the year 2000.
I've spent more than 2,848 hours per year in the last 10 years researching on the above due that I am predicting that China would be the greatest world power due to the extremes of Capitalism practiced by our super-rich people in US and other parts of the world and due on the reason that their advisers (US lobbyist’s) are followed by our politicians in congress due that too many of them are just naive-greedy politicians; individuals with economic interest of self-enrichment out of their positions as such ...too many of them lack cognitive structure of the future. Those that had that knowledge, are already dead... now US have many cheap politicians.
Be it known that, yet there are a lot of very intelligent politicians, some are bias and see Capitalism, not Democracy, as the only condition to succeed.
And they, then, turn extremist capitalists into the only rock solid enough to support Democracy …corrupting it.
Distinguished President to be: Donald J. Trump.
If there is someone to be a fool, it is you.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you, with no facts, insist that Russia is not hacking against the USA.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you, do not comprehend the danger that nations carry on themselves when someone, with malicious or not intensions, enters their business data and "know' what their future investments is going to be made.
You are a fool ...on the reason, that you, with no good knowledge on computer hacking, denies what others, who creates hacking software, have no proof of what they say that other nations such as Russia, did and are hacking into governmental,and private institutions, and US citizens to eavesdrop on their national and personal business.
You are a fool ...on the reason, that you, without any knowledge in the hacking business, say that you now a lot of what hacking is through computers or something like that.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you, distinguished president to be, think that everything for you that you try to do, get done. You fool!
Our militaries have spent millions and millions of dollars creating a virtual military department with the sole purpose of protecting the interest of this nation around the world, that what any nation would do, and US is doing, China, and Russia as well as France, Italy and Germany plus many other nations.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you think that Russia has not interceded on your behalf. Fool you are, a complete CLOWN FOOL with bigot ideas... of the most crazy one.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you think that other nation must pay for the need USA has to build a wall, to stop illegal immigration coming to US, without changing with analyses the law needed to be obeyed to protect our nation from people entering this territory without been counted and added to the population in accord with the demography need based on our economy and security.
You are a fool, yes, a clown, yes, a stupid clever person set to exploit any corner of the law to benefit your interest.
You fool!
Too many countries had the type of fool you are... Germany, Italy, Russia, Ecuador, Spain and the Dominican Republic and other nations as well.
China had a fool one, a bigot: Mao Zedong: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong#Consequences
This man was a bigot the same as you, a fool is.
So, distinguished president to be: You are the FOOOL!
Russia, including all those others that don't know a lot about Russia's intentions in eastern Europe and what Russia was before and is now, can't comprehend the danger that many nations around Russia mainland are exposed too. Okay, I would say, USA and Europe are malicious nations and China and Russia are the salvation of humanity ...well, if not, then Europe is the bad guy and Russia the good guy, then if not ...well, then US is the bad guy and Russia the good guy, no?
You people, it is not whether a party of the USA is good or bad. It is our nation that could be exposed to a big war, and the one to be fought having the upper hand and win that war.
Does Europe want a war? Does US want a war? I think none of us want that.
But Russia has nothing to lose by sending a large army and invading or try to invade its former satellite territories... just a few thousands of its military men... Russia would feel relief of an economic burden once and for all by having a war. Russians would fight like demons to protect their interest: Russian patriotism; Vladimir would gain two (2) things: stay in power for longer time for his nation would prefer that on the cause that there is a war and he would know better how to direct it (he was a former KGB person who terrorized its own people to keep the communist party in power) ...US would not intervene if Trump is Our President on the simple reason that he has a lot of money invested in the Russian territory and would lose all his investment. Europe would not get involved to protect the former Russian satellite that would beg for help to them... and Russia would feel so much joy in "taking back what is due to them: their former allies".
That's next act of the terrorist Vladimir Putin to do: regain those territories as did with Crimea, but now by direct involvement (thanks that US have a fool in government, a commander in chief of one of the greatest power on earth: The Clown President Donald J. Trump.
No American general would deal with that issue for our fool President would remove him from the military and appoint another one with less experience to take over.
Russia won the lottery with that idiot irrational clown as President of the United States of America unless the Congress of the United States of America remove him from power with the support of the Supreme Court.
Now, the Clown is assigning diplomatic position to super riches people, with zero experience in politics, who would defend their own personal interest than the national interest of this nation.
If that happens, and I hope I am wrong, 100% wrong, if that happens, it is the end of the United States of America. All that due to the greed of extreme capitalism and so many idiots in politics that elected Donald J. Trump based on poor perception of the importance to elect any well experienced individual to be our President.
Sorry America, now it is not the fault of the "We the People..." who elect that f...ng idiot, but the fault of Congress and the Supreme Court that are sleeping on the laurel of Democracy.

US has a naive government.
US has a naïve government.
US is a naïve governmental nation: Russia's Vladimir Putin been already within so many basic institutions that serves US all such as electric companies, Weather announcing institutions, Major civilian airports in big cities and hospitals including military registration offices, post offices and many US Senators of the fed including any US President immediate family and close friends.
Since when? Since Russia started invading Crimea, a large section of Ukraine.
I call Russia's strategy: "one step ahead strategy"
In case Europe and US had intervened, physically, against Russia invasion of Ukraine by sending advance land-air missile and anti-tank heat seeking torpedoes that US possesses to accurately destroy enemy tanks, Russia would immediately trigger its malware installed in our system on the civilian population in order to create chaos within our population and get adepts to strongly oppose us getting involved in any war against Russia.
By weakening our civilian organized structure, Russia would distract our attention to fight them.
Why? War is war, nothing else. When US gave a major attack onto the civilian population of Japan in WW2, Japan capitulated immediately, US did not give a major blow to their military although they were been beaten up slowly, but to the civilian population that were making ammunition to their armies.
So, Russia is ready to first attack any European infrastructure as well as American ones in order to create confusion, chaos and use the civilian population against its own government to stop the war, any war.
Plan A was first to flight in international Europeans seas, robust warplanes to signal Europe and US that they meant business.
Plan B was then to use their implanted malware in many of the systems and institutions mentioned above ...major civilian airports are heavily infested by now in their computers guiding civilian airplanes including airlines airplanes that could be directed to the Pentagon, the White House and against other airports... US is infested with their malware, not just from them, but from China too. Those malwares are dormant to be triggered at will in case of a war against one of them. Most large infrastructure with large sophisticated computer algorithm are made with the infection in them as part of the system that would not work if the malware is removed; cause of this: cheap inexpensive devices bought in China and re-infested by Russia.
Russia has a win-lose plan: I win, you lose, but it must be implemented before a possible war starts against any European nation or US.
And Russia has a man in US presidency that would kill himself before rather hurting his business investments in their country (Russia). US is naïve.
How I know that?
Amongst others:
I've been following Trump's political trajectory since he first announced his intention to enters the political aquarium years ago.
I've been following Vladimir Putin dirty moves on his intention to annex again, those Nations that once were part of the URSS (Soviet Union).
I've been following China's Communist-Capitalist new form of government since the year 2000.
I've spent more than 2,848 hours per year in the last10 years researching on the above due that I am predicting that China would be the greatest world power due to the extremes of Capitalism practiced by our super-rich people in US and other parts of the world and due on the reason that their advices (US lobbyist’s) are followed by our politicians in congress due that too many of them are just naive-greedy politicians; individuals with economic interest of self-enrichment out of their positions as such ...too many of them lack cognitive structure of the future. Those that had that knowledge, are already dead... now US have many cheap politicians.
Be it known that, yet there are a lot of very intelligent politicians, some are bias and see Capitalism, not Democracy, as the only condition to succeed.
And they, then, turn extremist capitalists into the only rock solid enough to support Democracy …corrupting it.
Distinguished President to be: Donald J. Trump.
If there is someone to be a fool, it is you.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you, with no facts, insist that Russia is not hacking against the USA.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you, do not comprehend the danger that nations carry on themselves when someone, with malicious or not intensions, enters their business data and "know' what their future investments is going to be made.
You are a fool ...on the reason, that you, with no good knowledge on computer hacking, denies what others, who creates hacking software, have no proof of what they say that other nations such as Russia, did and are hacking into governmental, private institutions, and US citizens to eavesdrop on their national and personal business.
You are a fool ...on the reason, that you, without any knowledge in the hacking business, say that you now a lot of what hacking is through computers or something like that.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you, distinguished president to be, think that everything for you that you try to do, get done. You fool!
Our militaries have spent millions and millions of dollars creating a virtual military department with the sole purpose of protecting the interest of this nation around the world, that what any nation would do, and US is doing, China, and Russia as well as France, Italy and Germany plus many other nations.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you think that Russia has not interceded on your behalf. Fool you are, a complete CLOWN FOOL with bigot ideas... of the most crazy one.
You are a fool ...on the reason that you think that other nation must pay for the need USA has to build a wall, to stop illegal immigration coming to US, without changing with analyses the law needed to be obeyed to protect our nation from people entering this territory without been counted and added to the population in accord with the demography need based on our economy and security.
You are a fool, yes, a clown, yes, a stupid clever person set to exploit any corner of the law to benefit your interest.
You fool!
Too many countries had the type of fool you are... Germany, Italy, Russia, Ecuador, Spain and the Dominican Republic and other nations as well.
China had a fool one, a bigot: Mao Zedong: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong#Consequences
This man was a bigot the same as you, a fool is.
So, distinguished president to be: You are the FOOOL!
Russia, including all those others that don't know a lot about Russia's intentions in eastern Europe and what Russia was before and is now, can't comprehend the danger that many nations around Russia mainland are exposed too. Okay, I would say, USA and Europe are malicious nations and China and Russia are the salvation of humanity ...well, if not, then Europe is the bad guy and Russia the good guy, then if not ...well, then US is the bad guy and Russia the good guy, no?
You people, it is not whether a party of the USA is good or bad. It is our nation that could be exposed to a big war, and the one to be fought having the upper hand and win that war.
Does Europe want a war? Does US want a war? I think none of us want that.
But Russia has nothing to lose by sending a large army and invading or try to invade its former satellite territories... just a few thousands of its military men... Russia would feel relief of an economic burden once and for all by having a war. Russians would fight like demons to protect their interest: Russian patriotism; Vladimir would gain two (2) things: stay in power for longer time for his nation would prefer that on the cause that there is a war and he would know better how to direct it (he was a former KGB person who terrorized its own people to keep the communist party in power) ...US would not intervene if Trump is Our President on the simple reason that he has a lot of money invested in the Russian territory and would lose all his investment. Europe would not get involved to protect the former Russian satellite that would beg for help to them... and Russia would feel so much joy in "taking back what is due to them: their former allies".
That's next act of the terrorist Vladimir Putin to do: regain those territories as did with Crimea, but now by direct involvement (thanks that US have a fool in government, a commander in chief of one of the greatest power on earth: The Clown President Donald J. Trump.
No American general would deal with that issue for our fool President would remove him from the military and appoint another one with less experience to take over.
Russia won the lottery with that idiot irrational clown as President of the United States of America unless the Congress of the United States of America remove him from power with the support of the Supreme Court.
Now, the Clown is assigning diplomatic position to super riches people, with zero experience in politics, who would defend their own personal interest than the national interest of this nation.
If that happens, and I hope I am wrong, 100% wrong, if that happens, it is the end of the United States of America. All that due to the greed of extreme capitalism and so many idiots in politics that elected Donald J. Trump based on poor perception of the importance to elect any well experienced individual to be our President.
Sorry America, now it is not the fault of the "We the People..." who elect that f...ng idiot, but the fault of Congress and the Supreme Court that are sleeping on the laurel of Democracy.
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