Thursday, July 23, 2009


Knife is a special type of Blog that I'll post from time to time; here I'll tell things as they are said around the world, including the US, and I do not mean my donkey or ass as some people like to call them... wait, there is a thing similar to "human rights abuse" in mainland Unite States of America?... just to brief you: Police killing! of the "black American people" whether be one of their own (a black policemen), a black "any black" american citizen, a black Latino, African, Asian too? Hee, hee, ha! "Ya are black! I mean: are ya black?, Ya are dead!

As I just said, the above is just a sample of the "police staple" the minority human being (humans). As discribe in my donkeyKiller (mata burro)the American English diccionary language (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition) "A basic or principal element or feature" served by some "mayor"s in certain "forbidden to writte" abusive cities of this "Great Nation" of US.
do ya know what I mean? I do not understand myself, ya explain it to me. I think that what I mean is that that is a police staple in some cities including New York City, yes, this one... they can.
Distinguished Citizen "President" Barack Oh! bad man, you are not part of the staple, ya are some type of Zebra. Ya specialty: to be used by somes to governm and conquer your own kinds, not for peace on the surface of earth except: -Iran, rest in peace, ya'll be able to do all "whatever" ya want with that formula created by US, to use it on our ASS, do not care, this donkey or ASS, whichever you call it, will not attack ya, remember, Russia back ya; no, I mean, Russia is in your back; or what "on the earth" i wanna say? Well... I want say that, and this, and all that too: do not worry on Iran, the Persians are great, they have this ASS hold by just theirs; sorry for the errata, correction: USS, not ASS, and if so, another errata: donkey for ass. our "President" under no circunstances would permit US drilling ooofff-sure... stay off the bitch, how do you spell that, beach? what on the "knife" I wanna cut?

surely, I mean: sorry, I want to say or mean: offshore; so, Iran, ya know! as long ass us keep this position, this ASS will no-no, and no, can nut -i meant can not, not nut, it is ya the reader that read right-wrong, all the time ya do that; well, surely, as long as us keep that, you, Iran, can not be attack! Ya got that oil on US depend on your (wow! that's black too! kill it! kill it! kill it) black gold, you can kick our ASS -and I am pointing that donkey, as many times us you want... no offshore drilling policy, it seems to be Allah blessing policy for Iran, Kan wait, I mean: Kuwait? or is it that I mean: can wait? well, take "it" or leave "it", I'll leave it like that.

Allah's great "President!" He, die (thy)for US... or is it that US thy for Allah? Wait and see, Iran is making "that". Allah choosen ya to be our (what?) "President"

Allah's the greatest of all Gods... soom all Asia will be arm to their tooth, no, to all their teeth, with nukes enough to be use; what cool a police do when they see a terrorist with a nuke attached to his/her vest and asking for demands? is said: cool, cool... of off it goes; nooo, bad, yes that what I mean. Well, no offshore drilling, "Yes, we can" maintain that.

President Bush, I miss you!

Alleluya! kill them all! Vote for him! -whom do I mean, the "major" one? T's not the mayor, I mean, the major of all, the older one or the majority? Bad, hee, hee, ha! is the boss of all police force, vote for that... I am not white, did ya know that? Again, try to defer, I mean: decipher what's in THIS IS KNIFE.

de·ci·pher (dĭ-sīfər)
tr.v. de·ci·phered, de·ci·pher·ing, de·ci·phers

1. To read or interpret (ambiguous, obscure, or illegible matter). See Synonyms at solve.
2. To convert from a code or cipher to plain text; decode.

de·cipher·a·ble adj.
de·cipher·er n.
de·cipher·ment n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition