Flag, I am curious, what is your “Philosophical Position” in respect to this picture of Iran wanting to create laboratories capable of storing nuclear energy that can be used for peaceful purpose as well as for military use? I already presented some facts, those of the Koran’s Verses, which are the essences of the “Iranian Political Ego” in the government of that religious constituted nation. What can you tell me on that?
Egnio, you love putting hot potatoes onto my hands, why?
You are representing around 300 millions Americans; you are a “know-all Monument!” Flag! I deserve an answer then.
Wow! Egnio, not only you put onto the palm of my hand a hot potato, but you keep giving heat to it to make sure I can not handle it! Why?
No, no why; why you do not want to answer it?
Okay, you push and push… hardheaded friend, so I am forced to give you a Scientific Philosophical response to you’re inquire; so pay close attention and kill yourself with it.
Kill myself?
Yes, I mean: make the math.
Okay, I am ready waiting for your thunderstorm of an answer.
No, it is not a disturbance or hard political answer… it is simple, based on logic, facts, and realities… pay close attention: It is positive to listen careful other people’s ideas and imaginations and give advantage to one over the other. It is sure that US do not know which is better, to succeed; but it reshapes our ignorance into knowledge. Knowledge, a conviction easy and hard to acquire… easy, because it is natural in people; hard because technology has a value, a price… technology is not nature, it is nature in a virtual natural basic state: Man creation, not “God” made… all US can do is to respect nature basic state: Freedom, and applies it to those who’s been denied off. Freedom is the tool used to struggle for live. And those who denies others of it, shall suffer great destruction… when I reflect on the above, I console myself with the full belief that between Freedom and war, when the first is not a choice, the last is a must!
Wow! Wow! Wow! What a deep answer! You beat me! Wow! You are great Flag!
No, I am not great.
Who then?
“We the People…”
Aren’t “other ‘People” great too?
Yes, they are great, I admire them all
And respect them?
That’s one of Democracy’s essential tools Egnio. It’s a part of Privacy. Egnio: might you continue with “conspiracy”?
Of course, but I had to take care of Alberto and neutralize it; then I created the small air disturbance in the South East in order to get a lot of water and test New York State readiness to a catastrophe.
And what’s been the result of your test?
US is not ready for another Katrina… Period
Tell me more…
Theoretically US is, practically US is not… I noticed that the city of NY took the initiative of saying that in the case of a Catastrophe, it will respond without the waiting for any Federal intervention or military intervention, it will respond with its on civilian manpower, and that is at least a good start. Now I am waiting for the government, Mr. Pataki, and the Mayor, Mr. Bloomberg, to use a guide line to US, citizen of the city of NEW YORK, and the State too… of what to do in case of a reborn of Katrina situation, but here, in this City… where is it, their plan, going to be written, for me to save it here and learn of it… I am waiting… what is going to be the position of any New York citizen that could be added up to handle the situation, or if they are Blaspheming!
Egnio, do you mean... “if they are ‘lying?”
Yes, that… but which part of it is it that I mean?
Hee, hee, hee, Egnio! You are funny!
Yes, please, help me with this language of US, it has many laberinth! Okay: lying: lie1 (lī)
intr.v. lay (lā), lain (lān), ly·ing (līĭng), lies
1. To be or place oneself at rest in a flat, horizontal, or recumbent position; recline: He lay under a tree to sleep.
2. To be placed on or supported by a surface that is usually horizontal: Dirty dishes lay on the table. See Usage Note at lay1.
3. To be or remain in a specified condition: The dust has lain undisturbed for years. He lay sick in bed.
4. a. To exist; reside: Our sympathies lie with the plaintiff.
b. To consist or have as a basis. Often used with in: The strength of his performance lies in his training.
5. To occupy a position or place: The lake lies beyond this hill.
6. To extend: Our land lies between these trees and the river.
7. To be buried in a specified place.
8. Law To be admissible or maintainable.
9. Archaic: To stay for a night or short while.
n. 1. The manner or position in which something is situated.
2. A haunt or hiding place of an animal.
3. Sports: The position of a golf ball that has come to a stop.
Phrasal Verbs:
lie down
To do little or nothing: He's lying down on the job.
lie in
To be in confinement for childbirth.
lie to Nautical
To remain stationary while facing the wind.
lie with
1. To be decided by, dependent on, or up to: The choice lies with you.
2. Archaic: To have sexual intercourse with.
lie/lay low
1. To keep oneself or one's plans hidden.
2. To bide one's time but remain ready for action.
[Middle English lien, from Old English licgan; see legh- in Indo-European roots.]
lie2 (lī)
n. 1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
v. lied, ly·ing (līĭng), lies
v. intr.
1. To present false information with the intention of deceiving.
2. To convey a false image or impression: Appearances often lie.
v. tr. To cause to be in a specific condition or affect in a specific way by telling falsehoods: You have lied yourself into trouble.
lie through one's teeth
To lie outrageously or brazenly.
[Middle English, from Old English lyge; see leugh- in Indo-European roots.]
Synonyms: lie2, equivocate, fib, palter, prevaricate
These verbs mean to evade or depart from the truth: a witness who lied under oath; didn't equivocate about her real purpose; fibbed to escape being scolded; paltering with an irate customer; didn't prevaricate but answered honestly.
ly·ing1 (līĭng)
v. Present participle of lie1.
ly·ing2 (līĭng)
v. Present participle of lie2.
adj. Disposed to or characterized by untruth: a lying witness. See Synonyms at dishonest.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.
Again, Egnio: do you mean by “laberinth”, labyrinth?
Yeah! That!
Okay Egnio, of the above labyrinth on “lying” which one do you choose?
Okay: this one: lie2 (lī)
n. 1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
v. lied, ly·ing (līĭng), lies
v. intr.
1. To present false information with the intention of deceiving.
2. To convey a false image or impression: Appearances often lie.
v. tr. To cause to be in a specific condition or affect in a specific way by telling falsehoods: You have lied yourself into trouble.
lie through one's teeth
To lie outrageously or brazenly.
[Middle English, from Old English lyge; see leugh- in Indo-European roots.]
Synonyms: lie2, equivocate, fib, palter, prevaricate
These verbs mean to evade or depart from the truth: a witness who lied under oath; didn't equivocate about her real purpose; fibbed to escape being scolded; paltering with an irate customer; didn't prevaricate but answered honestly.
ly·ing1 (līĭng)
v. Present participle of lie1.
ly·ing2 (līĭng)
v. Present participle of lie2.
adj. Disposed to or characterized by untruth: a lying witness. See Synonyms at dishonest.
But this fit better: “v. intr.
1. To present false information with the intention of deceiving.”
And this too:
“2. to convey a false image or impression: Appearances often lie.
2. v. tr. To cause to be in a specific condition or affect in a specific way by telling falsehoods: You have lied yourself into trouble.”
3. I am going, Flag, to borrow the last sentence and rephrase it: they have lied themselves (the New York State Governor and the Mayor, into trouble by issuing such a false statement as of before of 06/30/2006, it they rephrase it, okay, okay, well then!
This other one I like for them: “Idiom:
Lie through one's teeth
To lie outrageously or brazenly.”
Egnio! What are your plans?
To expose them! Though it is almost impossible of NY been attack by a Katrina-like phenomenon, New York must be ready… aside, I’ll tell you what else I discovered of the city itself.
The City of New York has so many high and low terrain, that only a tsunami can affect it; a hurricane of the type of Katrina can not inundate it as in floods; the falling water will be remove so fast off it’s surface as fast as it falls down off the rain maker clouds; the Metropolitan’s transportation communication system is the only infrastructure that would be handicapped almost immediately on the first few inches of a fast falling rain drops –a lot! But the rest will stay untouched by any amount of falling water; the water will move immediately onto the sea. Main New York land, inner state, will be destroyed, not the city! Everything will function almost untouched… the Freedom tower will stay immaculate! Due to the structure of its base: some 20 stories high! This is part of my observation on NY City terrain, easy for an engineer to prove I am right! This observation of mine, if known by investors, could triple the price of an apartment in the City of Manhattan… I hope they never know of this… and therefore too many people will move to all the boroughs of the City of NY… creating living rent to be crazy torpedoed for low class workers to support it; I then tell these governors: the Governor and the Mayor, to tight down rent control in order to protect its inhabitant and avoid a catastrophic inflation to take place in all the borough of the City… this and that, are some of my observation on the test!
Have you more to say?
Oh yeah!
Say it now or shut up for ever…
am I not getting married?
Yes you are.
Whom with?
With Truth.
Okay, here I continue: If I were to invest in an inner state private house (the so called: home), I’d make sure that the house base ground floor is rebuild on concrete and cement with blocks and it gets a second floor; in case of any flood, I’d move to the second floor with all of my family and wait for the phenomenon to pass by, then return to the ground floor and clean up, -second floor and ground floor are to be build on concrete- and continue my routine… If I buy a house in any borough of the City of New York, if the house is made of wood and plaster, I would not pay a penny for it; for, a catastrophe, of the possible one, one in a million chances, would brake down my home… I am talking of floods… and my precious life too! And my family too! And too all of my tooes! Hee, hee, haa, haa!
Wait, wait, wait Flag, I am talking…
Sorry, continue with those “tooes” of yours!
Okay… No more to say. But to these authorities to place their soles –the bottom of their foot- on ground, not on rug, on ground, solid real street ground! They are good governors, but do not add those “petty lies”, I do not eat that stuff! By! Chao! Shalom! Hasta luego! Good for nada!
Are US in New York ready? Or are the Governors: “BLASPHEMING”?
Egnio, lying…
Yes, that!
No, this Nooo… but I am covering all of US with a Shield against this!
…I am here because a brief South East wind has to open on Florida for NASA a window to shoot its “Mavericks” into space… I just sent the push South East wind moving from east to west and stopping all disturbances, including rain makers as of 07/01/2006 8:45 am eastern time (NY). Is that all?
Hello Egnio.
Hello Flag.
Do you have to keep the mono-log or would you like to go on a dialog?
Dialog then.
Flag; make sure that on the new anti-desecration law, of you, burning of any flag is prohibited in US.
Egnio, I dear Congress enact such a law in order to protect me, it hurts, really hurt me, the flames; and I also wish that flags, all, be respected on American grounds. By doing so, Congress will smooth some international relations, and create a hidden lovely smile on the face of the people of other nations; but I can not ask Congress to do so, I want to see if those “extinguished Species” are been reborn and they tell me that they love me yet… I love them all, all, and I mean all.
Flag, when this dialog of US goes into a printed form, I want to beg for a national favor to all of US.
Not to vote for the re-election of any American citizen who want to be in politics, such as in the sacred House of Congress if that citizen agreed with the setting in fire of you, Flag.
How is it known that a citizen agreed?
By not voting to protect you… Period!
Though you see a hidden smile on my face, Egnio, I will not utter a word.
Yeah, ya look like the Mona Lisa.
mmm. More or less.
More, Flag, more.
Okay Egnio, what are you doing?
I am reorganizing the living room; after I finished it with your altar; I did not like it and had to re-arrange it all.
I am working alone, with no help, if I could have my kids working on it too, it would look great!
I wish I could help you.
You do can.
I’ll install back the camera, will present it here in a picture in picture and then you make suggestions… what about that?
There is no software for that.
I’ll make it.
I will use a lot of mavericks here and will make a camera to function within Words, then you see whatever I do and make suggestions… what about that?
I like that idea, but do not stop working on “conspiracy” I dream to see the end.
Do you like soap opera?
Didn’t you know?
How the heck was I suppose to know?
Well, know you know.
Do you like ice cream Flag?
Why do you question mark?
How the mother of all mother do ya taste an ice cream?
Through kids, all, all of them.
Wow! Now I know why sometimes I see kids that ask to their parent for more and more ice cream, it is ya who is within them!
Good guess!
By Flag… I have work to do, see you later… I have to watch the weather, it is to warm, I might bring a very low heat wave to decrease the temp.
I do not follow you Egnio.
Didn’t ya know that cold is a form of heat too?
Later… not now… by.
Bye, bye then.
Flaaag, Flaaag, Flaaag!
What happens Egnio?
I am suffering, Flag.
Yeah, suffering…
Tell, talk, spit it, and let it open.
I’ve been making a self value of war… then I started suffering.
Yeah… after I thought of so many innocent kids that die because of it… then my heart started bleeding, profusely, deeply… why?
You ask why?
Yeah, why should they die at war… they are not enemy combatant; they are not the object of the war… why?
I suffer too, Egnio, they are not the objective of war… why? I ask myself too…
Flag, I want to destroy Iran and now to hurricane North Korea… but do you know how many children die in this course?
Many, many, many Egnio… too many…
Then shall I stop attacking as not to succeed in my purpose?
If what you want to create succeed, but you stop before its succeeded time, more children will die then, much more than what numbers could talk off.
Yes Egnio; those people in government in Iran and North Korea are capable, if they evolve creating a super power in nuclear weapon, those governors will kill so many innocent children from any place on the face of Earth, that there will be no mathematical number to count them; unless the use of compu numbers start to be use in social math.
Do ya mean: gigs?
Yes Egnio, children deaths will be counted in gigs numbers.
So, Flag, to count children in gigs, you are inferring that it includes Chinese and Russian children?
Children around the world, all.
So, in destroying the Iranian and Korean governmental system, is in reality preserving the lives of a lot of future children from destruction by nuclear war from these mad government such as Iran and North Korea?
You, Egnio, seem to posses on your desk, a Crystal Ball… yes, a magic one… you see things so crystal clear, Egnio!
But I am so sorry, Flag; the personal situation I am going through is weakening my emotional strength to fight terrorism in any country as Iran and North Korea… then I start thinking of all those beautiful innocent earth creatures: Children!
What is going on in your “Super- ego” Egnio?
There is a conflict of all in me.
Tell me… loved friend.
I am undertaking the rise of a conflict, all of my Psychological self is fighting within… I want peace in me… I want to be left alone by all this… all this idiots that think they know… and know nothing of the truth.
Talk to them then.
Yeah, but when one start talking of social environmental cultures, and that Latinos and Africans and Europeans as well as Asians… the same Psychology can not be used, for they are of different origin… this so called “specialist” social workers, with a so “look” like a Psychologist and many Psychiatrist as well as… as any one involve in the American system on crime, they do not remember a word or sentence of what is “Culture Shock”… so many immigrants are going through these complexity of social adaptation, that all they can do is to stay cool and continue living in order to survive; after all, they are already here, in the nation of one way ticket.
What do you mean with: “one way ticket”?
The nation they come from is too behind in the knowledge of Freedom and Dmocracy, and US still evolving within it!
What a paradox!
Yeah Flag, what a paradox!
Is that all?
No, there is more of “that all”.
What is “that more”
Children, children, they all suffer from parents at war with other nations…
Yes Egnio… US always move toward their protection, but if other nations train them to hate, kill and use false believes to implant a dominion on all, all human, that is what US fight: no dominion on the human race rest upon a sole ethnic group; all ethnic group govern themselves upon the act of Freedom through democratic choice of actions or decision taking on benefit of ALL.
So, shall I continue with my fantastical dream?
If so, why not… who knows?
I’ll make some more effort, if not, and my self Psychological emotions keep been affected, I shall stop all actions here… and conclude.
But you were not completely clear to me Egnio...
I know, I know… It is about “one way ticket” the paradox and all that… well, once the immigrant is here, let’s say, from China and here, there is no way of returning to China… the system… distance… the expenses… these people suffer a lot! They depart looking for the already known Freedom that do not exist on their beloved land, get here and Freedom still is evolving here… that’s the “paradox”!
And let me tell you Egnio, these people are great, really great people; I admire them…
Yeah Flag, one of the things that they have is lacking here…
They protect, within the family, their gram ‘pa and gram ‘ma…
Be more precise at all… please.
When a child grows and marry, they keep in a so close touch with their parent that they move them into their new family, this keep a bound in the family…
Yes, then?
Then? Here US abandon them, it is the state or the federal government that has to take care of them; as if US were a communist nation… this is within a communist ideology…
Yes, Egnio, people think that it is because of Capitalism…
And do you think so?
No, it is because of technology, and that has to be fixed.
So do you infer that any nation that grows in technology will suffer these social problems?
But it is not the time to solve that, right?
War keeps US all occupied.
Do not worry, Flag, there are solution for that… I have some for that…
Spit it Egnio… now please…
Make it tax deductible!
Simple: same as one child or two is tax deductible, but reward it with double value… Period! -if not triple value! Just to say. Hee, hee, hee!
I like that!
Do you like it? Really?
Okay… back to the North…
No, North Korea… I’m making hurricanes for them, the problem is that Japan engulf them in my way of attack; Japan makes it hard for me… tell the people of Japan to get ready, hurricanes has to pass over them in order to attack the North…
How you’re going to do that?
I’ll lift the air disturbance high over Japan and then descend it on North Korea…
I wanna see that!
Wait then, you’ll see that!
Hey! Flag! I’m here!
Yeah Egnio! Happy to see you!
Flag, I’m here because I am concerned with the weather on Mid-West; it is not raining and this place is, I think, where beef is raise!
Yeah, beef, the thing cannibal eat, meat, the cow one.
Ha, ha, ha, Egnio… you got me off guard for a second, you mean the care of herds
Yes, that… cows.
Okay, tell me about that…
I am going to set a lot of rain in that part of the west, but I want to make a continued smooth fall of rain, and I never done that… I know making torrential rains. I’ll make a try with smooth rain fall.
Kgrmm, kgrmm
Why do you, Flag, rasp a throw of air with your foreguts?
Just rasping my foreguts… can I?
You mean: “may I?”
Yes Egnio, that!
You are, as always, in doubt… wait and see. By, by.
Bye, bye Egnio.
After so many days off, I am here, back to ya Flag… but I came for a briefly period of time just to inform ya that there are a few things I am concerned with.
Thanks Egnio for your coming back; I’ve been very concerned for you… I was preoccupied, but thanks everything is okay.
Not everything Flag… I’m okayed… but the nation.
Yes, Earth, as I found on my close observation of its spinning and Sun rotation, the hyperbole had change in a very small different rotation; the Earth is running in its perihelion and its aphelion, closer and further to the Sun… this changed all the weather on Earth… I’ve been controlling the weather, but it is to a large job for me to do.
What do you noticed further on?
Further on, I’ll give some advises: No nuclear bomb test on the entire Earth.
All air conditioners on US most be set to 75 degrees on energy saving state.
All Nuclear Power Plants must work at its upmost electricity production.
People should carry with them a small lantern and a small portable radio.
When the consumption of electricity rises to dangerous levels, the department of Homeland Security most sent its men on patrol on all type of transportation.
I am going to see if I can lower the temp on all of US.
All Metropolitan Transportation Both must be furnished with large trucks batteries with energy saving mini spiral lamps 100 watts light emitting.
All Metropolitan Transportation Platforms, where trains stop, most contain the same system as above and a radio supplied by the large truck batteries in order to inform US of what to do, it most broadcast relaxing music as interval between announcements.
All train rail roads must be shut off if the above happens
This is just part of an emergency, City and State Wide… the one I was expecting the Mayor of New York City as well as the Governor to announce when I said they were “blaspheming” and you Flag, corrected by saying: lying and then I choose it’s definition as presenting false info as of the intention of deceiving the truth… or something like that… the said above is a plan to protect the city, really. It is a plan to really protect a city, just a starting. –a hurricane, earthquake, anti-terrorist beginning of a Major Plan!
I got, now, Egnio, the picture… it is a very Wow! Of a plan… please, deep on it, I wanna here more…
Not now Flag, I just gave to you the tip of an “Iceberg of a ‘Plan” you must elaborate further on it… I have a lot of work with the weather… please, ya continue with the above… YOU SEE WHY I CRITIZED THESE GOVERNORS: THE MAYOR AND THE STATE GOVERNOR; sorry if they got offended, it was not my intention, I just spit the TRUTH… I do not speak to praise any one, but realities. See ya later I have a lot of work to do… by Flag!
Bye Egnio! Don’t take so long in coming back, please!
Okay, I’ll leave this compu on, but it is your responsibility to protect it, by then!
I am in back Flag, but for short…
The weather is too hot Egnio!
Yeah! I am working on it with a lot of delicacy, for I do not want to delete the Hurricane Shield as I intent to low the temp, Flag.
Egnio: If a hurricane doesn’t hurt me, then temp is doing that work!
I understand Flag, but the temp can be control by the great majority of people, while a hurricane is very difficult for me to handle, I have no choice; anyway, I’ve been able to bring some cold wind from Alaska through Canada to US.
Is the remedy as but as the illness Egnio! I want a cool wind and no hurricane… do that!
I am Flag! I, as just told you, had to work hard in order to bring a cool win into New York just to avoid a black out; if the situation had been continued as it was two days ago, New York City would have been in a total black out by now; be patient with me, I am working round the clock; that’s why of the storm bordering US on the east in order to bring some cool air inland.
But that’s to dangerous to do Egnio!
I know, I know that’s why I did not tell you in advance, for ya were going to complain and I was secure with what I am doing… so wait.
Be careful Egnio; do not play with nature that way.
I am, I am Flag…. But ya would not authorize me to do what I did, that’s why I did not tell you about such storm called: Beryl or something likes that!
So you were behind this?
No, I was in front of this!
I am not joking, Egnio.
And I mean by saying: “in front of this” that I was commanding that… I am not joking Flag... US is saved and secure… trust me!
Well, continue then!
Thanks! I knew that ya will understand!
It is not that I understand or not, it is that it had been done without my consent and no harm had been done… so continue then…
Okay… now then I’ll extend the cold to all of US in main land.
Good then… do that!
I’ll be gone for some time, for I am working with plan B from “Strategy”
Are you behind that thing that happened again Egnio?
Shut up Flag! That is secret of state! Islam needs to be weaken… though what happen, really, was that I missed the Caspian Sea and the waves hit some place else; any way, it accomplished some of the purposes.
Are you planning a tsunami in Iran?
Ya mind reader… Shut up!
You are nuts, really nuts Egnio.
Wave and sea… a tsunami!
Go back to your work Egnio. By!
I like that! By then!
Flag! Flag! Flag!
Just in case, treat this storm as an emergency for the City of New York State, I’ve been creating this for more than 3 days and it might get off my hands… Please, take all the sum of precautions in case of a flood… now! It’s a real warning Flag! I am going to walk on the street to sense its direct action and stop it if needed, immediately! Do pay attention Flag… By!
Wait, wait, wait Egnio!
Can not wait… By!
Here I am Flag, but soaked on water and cold…
Hee, hee, hee!
Why do ya laugh?
Drinking your own medicine! Hee, hee, hee!
It was an error of mine to go and feel the weather on my sensible flesh… It is not good to be under torrential falling water and seeing a lot of thunderstorms… it is not funny.
That’s your medicine… Egnio.
Well, what a medicine! It chilled me as a glass of wine!
How did you like that?
Not a lot.
Not a lot?
The least.
The least?
100 per set.
Per set or percent?
Per set; each drop of water was set to soak me.
I like that.
I disliked that.
But it is needed. Doesn’t that?
Of course!
Well Egnio, go to plot. –Its part on “conspiracy”
I am working with the Patria’s Altar.
You are taking too long.
What can I do? I need money all the time. I am working with my nails to build that.
Do not descend on your idea.
It is a prime idea Flag.
Keep it like that.
That is that, and like that will stay.
Until fulfilled.
Until fulfilled, Flag.
Egnio… I have other things to do, you know…
I too Flag… Adios.
Shalom Egnio.
…07/23/2006… is that today date? Flag
Indeed, Egnio.
Well, I am observing how, this department, mmm, what’s its name?
Are you referring to?
This: the Justice Dept. Oversight… blah, blah, blah.
Oh! Justice Dept. Oversight Senate Judiciary Committee?
That! That one!
What’s with them?
They enjoy shooting Alberto Gonzalez, the Secretary General.
No Egnio, it is a democratic procedure of interrogating top authorities in order to keep the public informed of any wrong doing and correcting it.
That is reasonable, but they, some, do use it as a platform to attack the administration who conducting anti-terrorist actions.
Do you see it as such?
Well, survival of the fittest demands US to do what the President’s doing.
It is understandable Egnio… but Democracy is a balance of power… the same as in metabolism in medicine… you know that well clear. Don’t you?
As the colour of air… but…
But what?
About “enemy combatant”…
Yeah, spit it.
All decisions done by President Bush are decisions, those of wars, that are within the act of war… this committee, as I picture it, are sending messages to the military at war in Afghanistan, Iraq, and in other part of the world that might be misinterpreted by them.
No Egnio, the military follows orders and take decisions based on those order, at work… the President enact those orders, then they make decisions at war… did you follow me?
I did, but you did not see the picture.
What’s the picture then?
This committee’s members are not generals, nor Presidents of America… they are, openly, trying to expose secrets used to take actions at war… by asking Alberto –I do not refer to the storm that just comb the east coast and brought a lot of good natural needed fresh air, fresh water and lowering the temp to a much supportable degree- I refer to Alberto Gonzalez Attorney General, though the storm, did the same the Attorney General intent to do… I refer to him.
Go on.
Alberto Gonzalez, under the President, Congress and the People, though many actions are been kept secret, because terrorist shall not be provided information of how US is self protecting off the actions taken by this “Fanatic Religious Islamic Terrorist”, Alberto Gonzales is in a delicacy balance between the “law” as seen by some Democrats, and the Law of natural selection on survival of the fittest in reference to the protection of around a lot of people that compose the United State of America.
So, do you think that members of Congress shall not question on this?
Not question on this.
Terrorist know that they accomplished and succeeded in attacking US… they are happy watching this bunch of questions in that… that… that committee –not to say, those Democrats that they love so much, for they are helping their cause- US has to demonstrate and present some type of dictatorship when it refers to the protection of our women, men and children within our jurisdiction and that it does not matter what shall be done to destroy any future act out of them, that this signal is to let them know, clearly and really, that any action at war can be taken by US if they just think or intent to commit any type of attack on US, as a message to Iran and their Nuclear program as well as to North Korea… the, the, this committee is sending the wrong message to Iran and North Korea. What’s going on?
Well, Egnio, Democracy is at work, and this is a test.
I hope this be a test, to Democracy, not a message to terrorist’s supportive international government… North Korea, in the future, could follow Iran policies of supporting international terrorism against US, for Iran is succeeding in it, and ya had not send a clear message that US is on business… see the picture?
Egnio, US can not attack yet, but if needed, I’ll give the order to attack. US is first organizing the mean to create energy in order to support our needs without importing any from abroad… it is a lot of scientific work… US is on that… as you said, the war is not until 2046, know US is preparing the terrain with scientific work….
The blah, blah, blah with you Flag, US has all the scientific knowledge, already, to start building a lot of different devices to create energy… the problem is that the Shell, Texaco, Mobil and all those grasses, have to start using the technology now! US has to make a law… and you have to accept it, of giving to them a tax free scientific research in any type of energy creation and not tax to any investment made in order to create energy if whatsoever device, industrial plants, are created within the first 7 years up to the year 2013 plus a tax free collection from the internal revenue department to any one who invest up to a billion dollars in the marked, tax free for 10 years… Wall Street will love that… many richest will invest in that tax free portfolio for their future, just in case. Just for illustration: Bill gate, and many big companies not involved in the harvesting of energy, say: Samsung, RCA, Verizon, private citizens, foreign business and the blah, blah, blah! Including: Energy investors themselves… this is the solution, not that committee questioning whatsoever Bush does against terrorist!
Wait Flag, now I want to talk about my business… wait, and hold on, just listen:
Stem cell.
There are small groups of scientist that do not have big cash to do research on stem cells; the same thing happened to Dr. Leo Szilard when he wanted to create the Atom Nuclear Bomb, and see? His dreams made US a superpower nation amongst others.
Stem Cells, President Bush, will accomplish the same as in the creation of the A Bomb, but not to destroy, too protect, though the Bomb has dual use, Stem Cells has only, and only a one way use: the preservation of the Human Race, a big step as the invention of the wheel, the discovery of electricity and radio waves, as now: traveling into outer space by NASA to colonize the Planet of Mars as you said by 2020… the Stem Cell is vital for the survival of the Human Species… Religion has its moral ethics, they are not based on science, US make war, not on religious views; US make war for the protection of Freedom… Religious views are then applied to it, after, not before… Friend, dear President Bush, I beg, on my knee, do rethink your position, ask for the project of law to be resent to you, with some litter changes in order to please in some degree those religious good people, that makes a majority and whom you please all the time… US, people doing scientific research need that approach of the new law to pass; if you do not pass it, she, the new President will pass it, and you are going to loose a victory of so many you have won… Please, I, with a scientific view of the future, demand from you, scientifically, not religiously, accept the petition from the Scientific Community, the vast majority… do as they demand and trust Flag… Flag will make you go to history as one of the most conscious President of the United States of America; Honorable President of the United State of America, do not let that other future Presidents of America, rob this victory out of you… this is a historical victory of the scientific type… all those victories are written in scientific books, if you accept this victory, there will be born many new discoveries, made by young scientist… I know that you are a true God believer, but I am not talking of God, I am talking of Science. Even the inquisitionist had to admit that Earth was not the center of the Universe… and centuries passed when they begged to be pardon as did one Catholic Pope. Don’t you follow their grave error to the grave.
That’s all.
Distinguish President Bush, call Senator Bill Frist, and ask him to brief you on Stem Cell benefits. Please, I know that you just vetoed the bill… reconsider…
Honorable President of the United State of America: there are many scientist and doctors that do not have sufficient money to work on this; I have the blueprint, for instance, for the killing of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus… I do not have a penny with me… so there are other with scientific medical ideas for the use of Stem Cell research, and they have no money too… big industries has a lot of money, but they do not want to privately invest on this studies, you, dear friend, can help with small grants to undertake first research by small groups of scientist… then, big companies might take over from there, give US, at least, a small amount, though limited in time and capital, for US to initiate… you, distinguished sir, has not to grant huge amount of cash for this, just put a grain of sand on scientific research… religious people will not complain, those people that you love so much… give some love, in cash, to the scientific community too.
Is it you? Egnio?
Again! …no, it isn’t me, but myself.
Don’t start Egnio.
Okay… I’ll not start; I came back to you just to quote a writer from the Dayly news…
From the “Daily News”… go on.
Yeah, from that… from the Dayly news, that created in me a deep vision on “war”; some writers has that power on the tip of their finger, such majestic way of thinking, that they picture their thoughts, all, as if they were making magic as they write…
So, that writer impressed you?
Oh yeah!
Then spit your-self … impression …I mean to add.
Don’t you start now, Flag… listen: By Philip Kennicott
Washington Post Staff WriterTuesday, July 25, 2006; Page C01
“It is anti-intellectual to pretend that war doesn't come without aggressors and villains, and without causes of different moral status. But it's strange how, in the clamor about the rightness of this war or that, the endless selling of war to the voters, the necessity of war, the utility of war, the goals and ends of war, and the price of gas, we forget the obvious: the utter destruction of war. And so we turn the world inside-out once again to see the most mundane but horrifying truth of our sad, shortsighted species.”
Wow! This writer impressed me too!
See? See what I told you?
I wish, Egnio, you to dialog on this with me from the Philosophical point of view, then on the political one and then on one of your pictures: Reality and Truth. The above is very emotive and can be misunderstood by peace demonstrators… it is important to speak in “Real terms”, then on why I have to make wars… do that.
Of course, Flag! But can I then set in there “conspiracy”?
Why in there?
Because of Hiroshima and the other big bomb on Japan ordered by US…
Yep! That writer turned on a neuron’s brain cell, on me, that triggered a lot of stimuli that passed through all my dendrites and gave me the upper though of starting dialoging on “conspiracy” and the cause of making war to create Peace, yeah, that! Flag!
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Egnio, every day at a time you are much complicated expressing your thoughts; just say: I’ve been enlighten… Period!
How to?
How to? …what?
“How-to” do I eat that?
You nuts! It is not a form of food! Egnio! It is a picture thought!
Okay, use the donkey killer.
What’s that?
The dictionary! The dictionary Egnio!
Do people use that to kill donkeys?
Yes, those like you!
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Flag, I do not understand a word of that!
Okay… when some one does not know the meaning or the semantic of a word, in the country where you were born, people call them: “burro” that in this language means: “donkey”, then for the person to stop being a donkey, which means an ignorant person and convert themselves into a smart person, in school and at home, the teacher and parents tell them to illustrate themselves using the dictionary… after a few years then the person becomes illustrated in the Spanish Language, -the same for the English language- then the donkeyness, if I can say so, stop existing in the person and the donkey is said to be dead in him or her!
Wow - wow! Flag, you know a lot of the Latinos Culture! I mean, of US of Dominican immigrants origin! …stop polishing your nails on your chest and blowing some air on them… Stop! Stop! Stop that!
Okay Egnio: en·light·en (ĕn-lītn)
tr.v. en·light·ened, en·light·en·ing, en·light·ens
1. To give spiritual or intellectual insight to: "Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day" (Thomas Jefferson).
2. To give information to; inform or instruct.
en·lighten·er n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.
Well I’ve been lighted by that writer.
You are hardheaded Egnio… continue anyway.
Flag, later, I have to do a lot of checking on the weather first… I am going to watch The Weather Channel… by – by!
Bye-bye Egnio.
Flag, I found another “Morally and philosophically flower finger gentle writer with a heart in the chest” but with “Reality and truthy” shocked, whom pen download bombs as it strike the paper. …so here –hear- that (the sounds produced by the bombs)
“Christopher Hitchens Mon Jul 24, 9:54 PM ET
Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 011, Issue 43 - 7/31/2006 - Among the Dead CitiesThe History and Moral Legacyof the World War II Bombing ofCivilians in Germany and Japanby A.C. GraylingWalker, 384 pp., $25.95
I am sure I can count on readers of this magazine to have sat up late with Victor Klemperer's diary of survival under the Third Reich: I Will Bear Witness. This is the single most important document from the era of National Socialism. It gives an account of every day of Hitler's 13-year dictatorship, written by a German-Jewish convert to Protestantism who had married a heroic Protestant woman, and who briefly imagined that his dual loyalty (to employ an otherwise suspect phrase) might win him some immunity. Swiftly disabused on that score, Klemperer resolved to depict his beloved Germany's collapse into barbarism. The diary possesses three dimensions that are of great interest to us. By its portrayal of innumerable acts of decency and solidarity on the part of ordinary Germans, it seems to rebut the Daniel Jonah Goldhagen diatribe about "willing executioners." By its agonizing description of the steady and pitiless erosion of German Jewry, it puts to shame all those who doubt--whatever the argument may be over numbers or details--that Hitler's state had a coldly evolved plan of extirpation. And it forces one to reconsider the Allied policy of "area bombing."By February 1945, the Klemperers had been moved to a center in Dresden to await the final transport to "the East," from which none of their friends had ever returned. They were among the very last; those married to "Aryans" had been permitted some latitude. But they knew very well what was coming. And then, beginning on the night of February 13, the most beautiful city in Germany was suddenly set on fire from end to end, by a scientifically designed bombing pattern that swept away its architecture and roasted and melted and buried at least 40,000 of its citizens. The Klemperers were not at the exact epicenter, but Victor was injured in the eye by debris and slightly scorched, and the couple were nearly separated. Finding Nazi authority destroyed after the departure of the Anglo-American bombers, they took off their yellow-star armbands and began to walk toward the Red Army.So we might phrase the question in this way. Did the immolation of Dresden and so many other German cities liberate the Klemperers, or would the Royal Air Force (RAF) and United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) have equally happily burned them to death? In the latter case, we would never have been able to read the record of the Third Reich's own Winston Smith, which is almost a small thing when compared with the treasure house of manuscripts, churches, universities, galleries, and museums that vanished into filthy smoke. And perhaps one should not overemphasize cultural artifacts over human beings: Hundreds of thousands of German civilians, including the flower of the German anti-Nazi labor movement, were burned or buried alive in these incredible bombardments, where we know from declassified papers that Churchill's advisers told him to blast working-class districts because the houses were more tightly packed together.There is something grandly biblical and something dismally utilitarian about this long argument between discrepant schools of historians and strategists. In the Old Testament, God reluctantly considers lenience for the "cities of the plain," on condition that a bare minimum of good men can be identified as living there. The RAF code name for the first major firestorm raid on Hamburg was "Operation Gomorrah." And this was a city that had always repudiated the Nazi party. Some say that Dresden was not really a military target and that it was obliterated mainly in order to impress Joseph Stalin (perhaps not a notably fine war aim) while others--Frederick Taylor most recently--argue that Dresden was indeed a hub city for Hitler's armies, and that doing a service to a wartime ally is part of the strategic picture in any case. This leaves us with a somewhat arid and suspect antithesis: Were these bombings war crimes, and if so, were they justified on the grounds that they shortened the duration of the criminal war itself?Anthony Grayling, a very deft and literate English moral philosopher, now seeks to redistribute the middle of this latent syllogism. He argues from the evidence that "area bombing" was not even really intended to shorten the war, and that in any case it did not do so. And he further asserts that the policy was an illegal and immoral one by the same standards that the Allies had announced at the onset of hostilities. This, at least, has the
virtue of recasting a hitherto rather sterile debate. And some of what he says is unarguable.Many smaller German cities--Würzburg being the most painful example--were of no military importance and were destroyed despite their exquisite architecture for no reason except to serve as bomb-fodder, and as practice for bombers. The British government had indeed publicly forsworn any deliberate attack on civilian targets. The famous Air Marshal Arthur "Bomber" Harris, who was criticized at the time in Parliament and the press, and within the Churchill administration, took the view that since Britain had starved hundreds of thousands of Germans by a naval blockade in the preceding 1914-18 war, there was little moral difference in the precise way in which one took German life. He more or less admitted that he was incinerating German cities in 1944 and 1945, not because he had to, but because he could. It was what Bomber Command had trained to do. It was the only way he knew of taking the war to the enemy. Lest anyone take refuge in the idea of retrospective scruple here, allow me to quote what Winston Churchill minuted to his Chiefs of Staff on March 28, 1945:It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of bombing German cities for the sake of increasing the terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed. Otherwise, we shall come into control of an utterly ruined land. The destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing. [Italics mine.]One is compelled to notice that Churchill here is still repressing his moral misgivings underneath pragmatic ones: Any more of this "terror" and there's not enough Germany to take over. But both impulses are still present. (As they were when he rejected the wicked Morgenthau Plan aimed at the postwar depopulation and de-industrialization of Germany at the Quebec meeting with Franklin Roosevelt in 1944. Even Tories like himself had assimilated J.M. Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace, about the failure of Versailles, and were resolved not to repeat the crime or the blunder.) Once again demonstrating that he is not a hindsight-historian, or over-the-shoulder philosopher, Grayling quotes from the extensive debate that occurred in contemporary Britain. Rather to the credit of my fellow countrymen, I think, there were eloquent complaints in both houses of Parliament, in the press, and among intellectuals. Some of these were honorable--it was found that the inhabitants of badly bombed English cities did not want a policy of retaliation--and some were based on a faintly spurious post-1918 quasi-pacifism and moral equivalence. George Orwell was a great scourge of the illusions of the latter faction, but when he visited Germany after 1945 he was struck almost dumb by the hitherto unguessed-at extent of the devastation. Suppose we leave these moral qualms to one side for a minute, even though their suppression would potentially license anything, from torture to genocide, if it "worked." The simple question would then become: Did it work? Changing the discourse a little too swiftly for my taste, Grayling argues that only precision bombing of oil facilities in particular either did work or ought to have been tried. At one point, it is true, Albert Speer reported to his Führer that the industrial capacity of the Third Reich could not take any more saturation bombing. But he regained his nerve, and his giant enterprise of slave labor and state capitalism continued to perform astonishingly well until the very end. The things that really "shortened" the war were "pinpoint" attacks on Hitler's fuel lines, and the remorseless advance of the Red Army after the titanic battle at Kursk.Mention of the latter somehow shrinks Grayling's moral universe. If the Anglo-American effort was benefiting from Stalin's total war in the East, then what does mere bombing of civilians have to do with it? One might as well shift the center of ethical gravity, and refocus on the mass Russian rape and pillage, followed by the incarceration of Eastern Europe and the partition and looting of Eastern Germany, that was also a price of Hitler's defeat. (Victor Klemperer, who rashly opted to become an East German Communist after 1945, wrote a successor diary about that horror, too.) That ensuing nightmare may also have been the revenge for the Hitler-Stalin pact--and nobody charges British and American forces with any systematic atrocities against German civilians after 1945--but it is therefore also a blast of the hellish wind that Hitlerism sowed, and thus part of the restatement of the problem to begin with. Grayling has thus not been as daring as he believes he has.In a recent exchange with him at the Goethe Institute in Washington, I offered a criticism of British policy that went further than his. Like him, I was brought up in urban areas of England that still showed the scars of Nazi bombardment. Like him, I began to doubt the official justifications for the policy imposed by Air Marshal Harris. But these misgivings ought to begin well before the horrible attack on Hamburg in 1943. In 1938, the British government was contacted by emissaries from the Kreisau Circle, a group of courageous German oppositionists led by Count Helmuth von Moltke. They told Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax that if Great Britain would stand adamantly by its guarantees to Czechoslovakia, and promise to make a stand against fascist irredentism, they could put Hitler under arrest. Their aim would be the restoration of German democracy, but their pretext would be that they had averted a war. This could only be done if the British maintained a belligerent policy instead of a capitulationist one. Who knows if this would have succeeded? We only know that officers as highly placed as Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the head of German military intelligence, and many influential politicians and diplomats, were part of the plan. We also know that Chamberlain and Halifax refused to talk to them. There is something unbearable in the idea of a British regime, that would not fire or risk a shot against Hitler in 1938, later deploying horrific violence against German civilians instead. There is also something intolerable about the Munich deal with Hitler, a sellout of Prague which led inexorably to the Nazi-Soviet pact, resulting shortly in the destruction of magnificent German cities in order to bring a smile to the face of Stalin. I will never be one of those Englishmen who can complacently regard the years between 1940 and 1945 as a "finest hour." On the other hand, once the battle had eventually been joined, one has little choice but to regard it as an anti-Nazi war at last. And to me, this involves viewing it from the standpoint of a German antifascist, or a non-German slave laborer or other victim of German racism. And here, atheist though I am, I have to invoke something like the biblical. It was important not just that the Hitler system be defeated, but that it be totally and unsentimentally destroyed. The Nazis had claimed to be invincible and invulnerable: Very well, then, they must be visited by utter humiliation. No more nonsense and delusion, as with the German Right after 1918 and its myth of a stab in the back. Here comes a verdict with which you cannot argue. I choose to quote Thomas Mann, a non-Jewish German who had to decide the matter in great personal anguish. In his Doctor Faustus, the narrator calls the ruin of Munich by the bombers "a Last Judgment" and then goes on to say:Granted, the destruction of our cities from the air has long since turned Germany into an arena of war; and yet we find it inconceivable, impermissible, to think that Germany could ever become such an arena in the true sense, and our propaganda has a curious way of warning the foe against incursion on our soil, our sacred German soil, as if that would be some grisly atrocity. . . . Our sacred German soil! As if anything were sacred about it, as if it had not long ago been desecrated again and again by the immensity of our rape of justice and did not lie naked, both morally and in fact, before the power of divine judgment. Let it come!"Let it come!" Good grief; it is hard to think even of any non-German wishing to go that far. (Mann used to broadcast on American radio to Germany.) But anything less than the apocalyptic seems inadequate. Eva Klemperer, a staunch and principled German Lutheran, told her husband that, after what she had experienced under Hitler, she could not find it in herself to truly regret the firestorm of Dresden. And what of the Slav and Balkan and Polish and Jewish slaves in Speer's underground hell holes, forced to dig out pits for the rocket-bombs that were being directed at London? Did they not cheer silently every time the very earth shook with revenge? Heinrich Böll, one of the greatest of Germany's postwar writers--and a conscript on the Eastern front--wrote a posthumous letter to his sons, telling them that they only needed to know one thing about their fellow citizens: Did they refer to May 1945 as the defeat of Germany, or the liberation? I shall put this tersely and take my chances: A "pinpoint" bombing of Dresden's railheads in 1945 would still have left the Nazi authorities in power and allowed them to send the last transports to the killing fields. A time for the ultimate ruling sometimes has to come, or else Negro quasi-serfs might even now be selling ice cream to obese children on the still-wooden boardwalks of Atlanta. If the party of Abraham Lincoln instead of Andrew Johnson could have followed the war parties of William T. Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant, think what America might have been spared. In the present case, the parties of Kurt Schumacher and Willy Brandt and even Konrad Adenauer were able to follow, and they managed their work as German democrats because there was simply no rival narrative or myth. Tabula rasa.Nonetheless, and because one must always respect other narratives, one should also acknowledge the absolute right of Germans to reconsider this subject. There have been some important recent examples. The best is that of the late W.G. Sebald, whose book On the Natural History of Destruction took its title from an article that Lord Zuckerman, one of the advocates of area bombing, could never bring himself to write. It uses the word "annihilation" somewhat promiscuously: The Allies do not have to prove that they did not intend the annihilation of Germany. A more questionable book is Jörg Friedrich's Der Brand (The Fire), a populist success that insinuates the word Holocaust into the argument. This is pardonable in one way, since "holocaust" literally means to be consumed by flames. But one should not tolerate any easy comparison to more definitive German terms such as Endlosung, or "final solution," which seem to mean much less yet which signify much more. Grayling is rightly insistent that nothing he says should be construed as permission for any such cheap self-pity, let alone equivalence. But he commits two errors of judgment and taste. First, he abandons his vow to avoid hindsight, and suggests that the British and American bomber crews should have refused to obey their orders. In a war with a totalitarian regime that still had rockets more advanced than anything in the possession of the Allies, this recommendation seems morally null at best. It was not then known for a certainty that area bombing might not do the job, and those in command had the duty as well as the right to try any expedient. And then there is this, as if in tribute to today's other "moral equivalence" ratbags:A surprise attack on a civilian population aimed at causing maximum hurt, shock, disruption and terror: there comes to seem very little difference in principle between the RAF's Operation Gomorrah, or the USAAF's atom bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York by terrorists on 11 September 2001 . . . To say that the principle underlying "9/11," Hamburg and Hiroshima is the same is to say that the same moral judgment applies to all three.Well, one can certainly agree that the last sentence is a null and tedious tautology. But one does not scan the works of professional philosophers in order to come across tautologies. One scans them to see tautologies exposed. This drivel is exactly what German and other neo-Nazis do utter, as any reader of their nasty websites can discern, and its repetition by Grayling is a subversion of all the care and measure that he brings to the subject. In what declension of "just war" theory, on which he wastes a few pages, would Osama bin Laden be allowed into the argument? Proportionality? I will admit that I have never heard or read a justification for the hideous destruction of Nagasaki, and I can say that the late Edward Teller once told me that he always favored a "demonstration" detonation to convince the Japanese leadership to surrender, which means that we might have avoided Hiroshima as well. Any argument that any action is moral, on the ground of its being "war-shortening," is thin and glib, and may also be hateful and false. (It may even be that Harry Truman hit Japan with atomic weapons in order to impress Stalin. If so, what a lot of cities that boorish Moloch appears to have needed as a human sacrifice!)However, if we are to be allowed alternative historical courses and speculations, there is a "moral" that Grayling overlooks. What if the RAF had been in good enough shape to inflict "terror" on Berlin in the fall of 1939? What if the United States had determined to strike the Imperial Japanese Navy first? What if the League of Nations had decided to stand by the Spanish Republic and Abyssinia, and had pounded Franco's and Mussolini's armies before they could get off the mark? Those who oppose violence on principle are called pacifists. Those who oppose it until its use is too little and too late, or too much and too late, should be called casuists. Those who try to resist their own despotisms, and who appeal in vain to lazy democracies who are also among the potential victims, and who welcome the eventual arrival of the bombs and planes--I am thinking of some courageous Serbian and Iraqi democrats--should be called our allies now, and in Europe should have been our allies no later than 1933.Moral crisis is the vile residue of moral cowardice, and Grayling has fully proved this without quite intending to do so. His book is a treatise, not on the dubiety of the retributive, but on the urgency and integrity of the "preemptive."Christopher Hitchens is the author, most recently, of Thomas Jefferson: Author of America.”
Well, Flag, I can not compete with this “Pen’s Gladiator”… but I just know that I am in search for the Truth and Reality “as is”… that is why I admire President Bush and Reagan and JFK and Abraham Lincoln, and Simon Bolivar, and Juan Pablo Duarte, and Darwin and Jean Piaget and Sigmund Freud and Socrates and Plato and all, of them, all.
But the latest ones you mentioned were not Presidents Egnio…
I know, I know, I know… any way, I admire them all.
Yes, I know too that you are a sincere debut expositioner of the course of nature: Freedom with its side effect: Democracy.
Thanks for that Flag… do you think?
I know what’s in your hardheaded head Egnio… but I’ll not give you the chance to polish your nails.
Hee, hee, hee, you mind reader! Flag!
…Thanks Flag for what you did on Gladys case as I pleaded to ya.
Gladys what…
About one or two months ago I pleaded something, now I see it done by you, thanks my only dear friend for that of: “what are friends for?” and those Wow! Of men that are inside you, they are humans that look for the best of US; thanks again for rehiring her… thanks.
Do not thank me, please, the people inside me are the soul of this fabric, and they through me took the decision of listening at you.
I am so surprised and pleased, that tomorrow I am going to make a deep analyses of why is the Planet so hot in America and Europe; though I already has a route to the reason of the why, after I conclude, I’ll start fixing the problem… just to hint ya, Flag: the atomic testing done in the course of years has shifted the ellipse described around the Start’s Earth, the Sun, in which ellipse the perihelion and aphelion had the first decreased and the second increase its radio. If ya remember, this is forbidden matter for me to deal with, if I try to increase the perihelion and decrease the aphelion’s radio, I might enter the entire Planet into a large glacial age and indeed destroy all of existing humans on its surface… I do not, and I mean, do not intent to create any pushing waves from here to the Star Sun, for that reasoning… though it is a wow of a thought just to think that I have the capability of doing so… I’ll neither intent… tomorrow I’ll try to create, and I’ll do, a heavy protective wave shield on US and Europe as well as to decrease the temp in the Golf of Mexico… it is almost sure that a Hurricane will form on the Atlantic sea and enter US through there; but if the temp in all of the golf is decreased, any hurricane will disintegrate immediately it enters the golf; I’ll increase the wind force pushing from North to South to disperse any disturbance trying to enter land… it is my intention to decrease the temp very low… so allow me the think, think, and think on a logic of how to do that.
You sound God like Egnio with that fantasy of yours.
Wave and sea Flag… the weather is decreasing off its temp as of just now.
Do whatever you can do Egnio. With that of your witchcraft.
Flag, a correction to you cost me not a grand effort… Those things or that thing is a fantasy of nutted minds.
What is of “nutted’ minds” Egnio?
That of believing on witchcraft as ya just said.
I have to see what you said above and wait.
Good! Bye-bye then, I’ll start on the weather immediately as of now.
Bye Egnio.
Hello friend, I’m here, Flag, for an idea that occurred to me as I am surfacing the www on news and plans of war in Iraq… this is the idea: what if ya create a battalion of internet hackers in the military, send that battalion to Iraq to ransack on some internet sites when needed as to stop this internet propaganda of false success at war of the terrorist… some sites should be handicapped with viruses and Trojan Horses that will open spontaneously and say, for instance: Ala, the all mighty, will punishes all those jihad that are not at peace with its brother, Ala wants peace, not war… Allah needs to see his son at rest, all. And things like this could be sent as propaganda into many internets in Iran; sometimes by destroying internets sites if needed.
And how do I get the hackers?
Easy: arrest them here, send them to court, and under an agreement in court, if they serve 4 years as hackers in the military, they could stay or leave with a good rank or pension as the first Battalion of War Hackers, these people would love to go at the battlefield and do internet harm.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, I like your nut idea… tell more.
These crazy hackers ya could find them, easily, they work at internet sites and at antivirus institution around the world.
In reality, what you are asking me is to black mail them, isn’t it?
Wow! You mind reader! Wait a minute, I have to make a call, do not go.
Mmm, mmm, mmm… Egnio, I like this idea, take this part of the dialog off from here.
By Flag!
Bye Egnio!
Yes Egnio?
How the… on earth do you know it was I?
Do not worry, I know, that’s it.
Well, about the weather; I’m going to stop all severe thunderstones, all. The temp, I will drop it to a lower degree in all of US, and a smooth rain with a lot of clouds on top of the entire continental United States… I’ll not tell you in advance of more, but when ya see a positive change for the good of US, 99.99%, I created it. About the rain, it might go off hand and becomes torrential, mostly in the South, preferable on the South West…
As I see, it is you as in “preferable on the South”… who got full control of the weather?
No, some control on it… I might develop full control very soon, after “Strategy” and plan “B”. Flag, in Strategy, I’ll not exclude Iraq, it is very difficult for me to set a frontier to quakes, this are just in human minds. By the way, I am bringing more cool weather directly from the North Pole to reinforce that one that I triggered yesterday night to come from Canada… all the needed waves had been trigger already… wave and sea… I’ll turn on a nature air conditioner for US. And for Iran and some other nations… wave and sea.
Egnio, aren’t you cracking down?
Why nut? But the weather shall change for the advantage on US.
Right on, why nut?
See, see, see Flag? You too!
Ha, ha, ha, Egnio! I think that you just cracked up! Like a nut!
Hee, hee, hee Flag, I love this dialog!
I too Egnio!
Ha, ha, ha, Flag! No one bothers US and US is in full control of Nature!
Wave and sea Egnio!
Ya Flag! Wave and sea! Hee, hee, hee. By friend!
Bye-bye nuts!
I like this! Wait, wait, wait Flag!
Do not tell of this to President Bush. Then he is not going to trust you and take ya to see a Psychiatrist!
You funny Egnio… imagine a Psychiatrist talking to the Flag!
I know only ya and me… I know… and I like that!
See you later then, and do your dreams… make it true.
No, I do not make it true; for it is truth… it is Universal, not local. See ya then!
When you come back Egnio, start “conspiracy”, I wanna know what you “know”